Tuesday, December 2, 2008

5 More days to Charity Bazaar

Members are seen busy tagging and sorting out collection
boxes. We are still in need of another 20 boxes. Kindly
drop off any boxes you may have, to Dato Danny Tan's office
anytime before 4th December.

Our next and final project meeting on 4th December is crucial
and would appreciate all members to attend. We will finalise
the participating stalls, reconcile coupons sold and unsold and
delegate duties to members for that day.

So, do make an attempt to attend. We all need your support.

Kiwanis Tee shirts are available and those who do not have one,
please collect from Kwn Eugene. Only available are Large sizes
at the moment, but Medium will be available on Saturday.

Remember the date :

7th December, 2008


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