Friday, January 2, 2009


Year of the OX
2 0 0 9

A brand new start to a brand New Year brings KCPJ together again - this time in Neways Karaoke, One Utama on 2nd January 2009

14 members turned up and was rewarded with a splendid buffet spread, drank some beer BUT had to pay RM9/bowl of chips and RM25 / platter of fruits

The shy ones were *entertained* by some Whitney Houstons and Tom Jones. Some potential Malaysian Idols were born last nite!

Pity Yap had to leave early, we did not find out if he sounded like Alan Tam or Boyz to Men!

Samuel, Florence and YimPeng sounded like pros when they belted out songs from TVB series! Sam ( aka Jackie Cheung) practise more, we shall send you to represent us in the national singing competition.

Eugene and Michael crooned songs that revealed their age! Back date to 1950s (how many of us were born then?? ) But they were NOT only good, they were EXCELLENT!

Thanks to Cynthia (this woman can sing) and Helen (back up singer) for putting this gathering together.

Maybe we should do this again, and again, and again and..........

We had a great time!

Wishing everyone a Bountiful New Year! Be blessed!

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